The Coalition has five current priority projects:
• Conducting a landscape analysis to understand the current state of affairs of prematurity in California, the status and priority projects of the Coalition’s policy and research affiliate groups, such as: March of Dimes, Preconception Health Council, CA Maternal and Perinatal Quality Councils, Family Voices, Discharge Planners Association and CA State Rural Health Association and to make strategic policy, program and action plan recommendations for the five prematurity issue categories: Preconception & Interconception Care, Prenatal Care, Birthing & NICU Hospital, Discharge Planning and Case Management, Post Hospital Care and Treatment.
• Hosting a Prematurity Summit in the fall of 2011 on October 6, to bring together a broad array of leadership interested in prematurity, update our stakeholders on the latest status and best practices involving prematurity, and to help set the course of action necessary to move California forward toward improving the prematurity situation in our state
• Conducting NICU hospital Policymaker Tours to develop relationships with policymakers and increase their prematurity knowledge
• Developing a comprehensive Web site on prematurity to increase internal Coalition exchange of information and external communications with policymakers, media and the public
• Reactivate and grow CPIHC’s efforts to involve a growing number of affiliate and policymaking organizations and individuals in the prematurity coalition, including the development of a sustainability plan for the Coalition, taking advantage of administrative support offered by the CA State Rural Health Association, a 501(c)(3) statewide organization focused on the vast rural areas of California, the 44 rural counties and 5.3 million peoples living in rural California.