Thanks to the more than 150 prematurity leaders who participated in the Coalition's first Statewide Prematurity Summit, June 1 - 2, 2009 in Sacramento. The response was fantastic and the sessions were informative, interactive and inspirational!
We wish to especially thank our founding champion and fiscal supporter, MedImmune, Inc. along with the following contributors supporting the priority projects of the Coalition:
- Pacific Life Foundation
- March of Dimes
- Health Net, Inc.
- CHW, Mercy General Hospital, Sacramento
- Abbott Nutrition
- Sierra Health Foundation
Who we are: The Coalition brings together organizations, prematurity leaders and parents who are directly involved in the issue of prematurity, from preconception to NICU hospitals to long term care. Our common goal is to reduce the rate of premature births and improve outcomes for those born premature in California.
Who Attended the Conference?: Family support providers, nurses, physicians, clinical social workers, clinic and hospital administrators, women and children’s advocates, policymakers with an interest in health and prematurity, and individuals who have firsthand experience with prematurity including Departments of Public Health and Health Services staff, First 5 representatives, Family Resource Center leaders and staff, and many other committed leaders.
8.25 CME and 10.0 CEU were earned
Summit Objectives Accomplished - At the completion of the Summit, participants were able to:
• Describe the contributing factors and impact of prematurity, from preconception through long term outcomes
• Understand gaps and action opportunities in policy, resource and program areas affecting prematurity in California
• Identify specific areas for reform to reduce the rate of premature birth and increase positive outcomes for those born premature.